donderdag 24 december 2015

Season's Greetings and latest news

What a year this has been, starting with the release of the new, completely revised 3rd edition of White Lie in January and my second book The Eye of Ra in February. I've done interviews for several radio shows and over the Spring, Summer and Autumn I was a tour guide for hundreds of people from around the world. I also started writing the first 2 chapters of a new book, planning to complete the story this Winter.

However, on November 21st my darling mother passed away and I had to go to Holland, where I arrived just on time to be with her during her last few days. We are all heartbroken and it will take some time to heal. Also, my 'normal' day job in tourism here in Cathar Country already starts at the end of March 2016. Therefore, this third book of my 'time travel trilogy' won't be published until 2017.

Of course I am still researching and plotting, excited about the subject of my new book, very happy with the first 2 chapters and eager to continue when I get the chance. I have also come up with a new title, which will be revealed soon. However, realistically, I won't be able to finish the story and have it edited within the next 12 months. It needs my full attention and must not be rushed.

Plans for 2016
Following the advice of a New York Times bestselling author Steve Berry and his wife Liz (ITW), I decided to release my books on E-book after all, so this Winter I will release both White Lie and The Eye of Ra on Kindle. In January I will be working on the formatting, hoping to have the books online and available before the Spring season starts. I am also looking forward to a future interview for the ITW magazine "The Big Thrill".

What Steve Berry wrote about 'White Lie':
"This story resonates with spirit and history, seamlessly blending myth with reality into a chilling and foreboding read."
Thank you Steve!

The new paperback version is now online, so make sure you don't buy second hand copies if you want to order the paperback edition. Personalized, autographed bookplates are available on request.

From 6th January onward I will be available for interviews and guided tours through Cathar Country, France. More info and contact details are on my website:
Wishing you all Happy Holidays!
Have an absolutely fabulous 2016!

From Occitania, with Love!

woensdag 30 september 2015

Summer Tours & Travels

It's been an amazing Summer, touring Occitania and meeting wonderful people! One of the highlights was meeting New York Times bestselling author Steve Berry, during his 'Templar Legacy Tour' here in southern France, for which I was the local guide.

With Steve Berry in Rennes-le-Château, September 2015 (photo credits top photo, Liz Berry).

New developments
After mid October I will be busy with several new projects, but I will mainly be working on my third novel, which currently has the working title "The Uncharted Kingdom". It will be interesting to see how the book will develop and I can't wait to get back into 'the zone'. ;-)

Join me on Facebook for all the latest news and check out my website for more info about my books and tours.

Latest photos:

At Roquefort des Cascades, southern France (photo credits: Ida van Ek).

Photo shoot at Fontfroide Abbey, Corbières, France.

Discussing the history of the region with Yelena Novikov (photo credits: Alex Novikov).

Signing "White Lie" at the museum bookshop in Rennes-le-Château (photo credits: Yelena Novikov).

Guided tour with Steve Berry and his group in Montségur (photo credits: Jennifer Magyar)...

... and in Rennes-le-Château (photo credits: Shalom European Travel).

With Colum Hayward of Polaire Publishing & head of the White Eagle Lodge, taken in Quillan, France (photo credits: Peter van Deursen).

Have a wonderful Autumn! I will be back with more news soon!

From Occitania, with love! xox

dinsdag 31 maart 2015

Latest News

Jeanne's two adventure novels, "White Lie" and "The Eye of Ra", are now for sale in at least 11 countries worldwide. Although it has only just been published, "The Eye of Ra" has already received three 5-star reviews on Amazon. If you are interested in the mysteries of the Knights Templar, Cathars, Otto Rahn, Rennes-le-Château, the ancient Mystery School of Egypt, Gnosis, the Urim and Thummim, Akhenaten and the Holy Grail legends, then be sure to check them both out! To find an online store near you, visit Jeanne's new website:

Also Barnes&Noble are now selling both books on paperback. B&N customers can now buy them online or order them at a nearby B&N store.

On the Radio:
Jeanne has done several radio shows during these past few weeks, which can be downloaded safely by following the links below:

Night Vision Radio with René Barnett
Whitley Strieber's Dreamland with guest host William Henry
Intrepid Radio with Scotty Roberts and John Ward

Apart from writing, Jeanne also takes groups and individuals on fascinating tours through Occitania, southern France. In the past few years, she had the honour of being the private guide for several VIPs and celebrities from around the world.

Many visitors to the Languedoc-Roussillon and Midi-Pyrénées go home without having had the chance to explore the Land of Oc. Only having seen the highlights, they missed the secrets, the unknown stories. As an official tour guide (guide accompagnateur) in Occitania, Jeanne knows the paths, the unknown places, the stories behind the stories and can explain the underlying history of this turbulent region, that plays such a significant role in her first book, "White Lie".

"I've fallen in love with this land, not just for its incredible history and stunning landscapes, but also because it contains in its sites and power places all the tools I need to explain the deeper layers of ancient knowledge and mystic wisdom, the esoteric basis of Gnosis, the story of the Cathars and Knights Templar and the real cause of the religious conflicts in the Middle Ages that led to the Albigensian Crusades. It is my real-life power point presentation."

The Lure of the Languedoc
In June, Jeanne will accompany author and lecturer Tim Wallace Murphy on an intriguing tour through Occitania. There are still seats available on this unique tour. For more info, go to The Lure of the Languedoc webpage.

Take a look at our new website: and discover all about author Jeanne D'Août.

vrijdag 23 januari 2015


The first book of two is now online at Amazon! This 3rd edition of White Lie (with the dark cover) is a rewritten version with 40 extra pages. Also, it contains more historical details. For everyone who is into Cathars, Templars, Mysticism, Hermetic Teachings, lost relics and adventure; White Lie will take you to the heart of the Rennes-le-Château enigma.

Also; in a few weeks' time, White Lie's sequel; The Eye of Ra, will be published. From Occitania, with ♥ :)

Direct link: click HERE.